above: Kamilla's baptism six years ago in the mosque (held by my brother, Kamilla's godfather). below: our wedding in the mosque exactly ten years ago.

The cupola in the Inner City Parish Church (Turkish Mosque)

Today the church serves three puposes. It is a working catholic church, a preserved muslim church and a tourist downtown attraction. As you can see it in the picture the alter is in the middle of the circular shaped church and the minister depending on which direction he turns, can address the congregation in a Christian setting or a muslim setting. Our wedding ceremony was in the muslim part and Kamilla's baptism was in the Christian half.

This is the main square in Pecs with the mosque in the background.
wow Eva! You never told me that you guys got married in the mosque! I really like the idea of blending these two cultures. How exotic!:)
ReplyDeleteAnd the mosque is beautiful. You'll have to take me there one day.
Of course, any time. I got special permission to take those pictures inside, because otherwise it is not allowed.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea you guys were married in the Dzsámi. That was one of my favorite buildings in Pécs. Ha van valamilyen könyv a Dzsámi-ról (színű fényképpel), akkor küldem a pénzt először PayPal-al. Tényleg. Shipping included.
ReplyDeleteI will see what I can do.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea the Mosque had so many different uses